Originally posted by Skahtboi
...I had a varsity game last night where I called twelve, that's right, a full dozen illegal pitches. Pitcher for one team kept leaping about 8-12 inches on her delivery. I talked with the coaches after the first call (who were less than happy with me) about what she was doing wrong, and what she needed to do to correct it. It would last for a couple of pitches then she would leap again. Finally...by the third inning she starting dragging the toe on a regular basis. She actually pitched better from then on as well. What really amazed me, is with a week left in the saeson, the coaches from this team acted shocked that I had called her on this, and so many times. Makes me worry that others out there aren't doing their job!
I had a game a week or so ago, where I called over a dozen illegal pitches in a row, amazing. I sent the catcher out after the first on, to have a talk while I "clarified" some lineup issues and she still continued. I called the coach out after the third one just to be sure she knew.....Coach just said, "stick her, she plays too much travel ball and needs to learn to do it right!" So I did.