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Old Sun Apr 13, 2003, 11:08am
WestMichiganBlue WestMichiganBlue is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 127
Severe push?

...her momentum carries her towards 3rd base. F2 .....pushes B3 in the back so hard, she falls to the ground...

So the batter is off balance and gets pushed and falls to the ground. It is obviously a deliberate act by F2 which she is not allowed to do. It looks like a "get outta my way, I'm trying to throw down here." But did she really nail that batter? Or did an off balance batter falling make it (the push) look worse than it was?

From here I can not disagree with the ejection. However, under FED you do have the option - if you "judge the offense to be of a minor nature" - to warn the player and eject her if she repeats the offense.

You didn't say what level. I hope this isn't happening at varsity level. At the sub-varsity level I consider myself to be part of the teaching process and I am inclined to give warnings for a lot of different violations. That helps the girl learn, and keeps her in the game. (If she does it again, then obviously she didn't learn and ejection then is also part of the learning process.

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