Boys JV... two pretty decent teams (with pitchers who could actually locate the strike zone, which doesn't always happen in JV).
The offensive coach asked about it on his way back to the dugout. Luckily, he was one of the nicest coaches I've ever worked a game for, and didn't complain a bit when I said that I wasn't sure if he scored, so we weren't going to count the run. (In fact, not counting the run was actually his idea).
In retrospect, the run almost definitely scored... R2 slowed down on the way to 3B, so F5 actually caught the ball at 3B and took 2 steps to apply the tag. I just wish I would've been able to have definite knowledge.
And yes, I definitely was prepared to pull out the "If you want that call, hire a second umpire" card if I needed to... fortunately it wasn't necessary.