Here's the situation: I was the down ref in a varsity boy's high school game. I blew my whistle when I saw a player's foot completely cross the center line. Being fairly new, I didn't realize that because his foot was out of bounds when he stepped over, that it was legal. The team I made the call against was screaming, so I went to my partner and explained what I saw, and he told me that it was legal. He then indicated a side out, giving that team the ball. Someone said it should've been a replay because it was an inadvertant whistle and play had stopped before a dead ball. Which is correct? It may have made a difference in the game because directly after this the other's team's coach earned himself a red card, (he was screaming that I let the other team influence my decision to change the call) and since we had just given the first team the side out, they then got a point.