If someone could have a worse night on the field it would be hard to believe.

Let's set the stage a little over 24 hours ago, knowing I will have trouble leaving work on time for my normal arrival time before my game the next day I contact my partner and ask if he can be ready to do the plate. He has no problem with this so I think that everything is now covered.
Fast forward to today two teams not close to being equal and to make matters worse the weaker team has lost it's "best" pitcher AND catcher to injury. The first inning starts and the stronger team is at bat first. After the first inning we have a score of 25-0! The stronger team really isn't hitting anything my partners strike zone is the size of a SMALL postage stamp!!!!!!!!!! Complicating matters is that the catcher for the weaker team is having problems and the visiting coach is running on every pitch and passed ball.
We move to the second inning and this is continuing,more running more taking every extra base. Situation is now this,we have bases loaded, one out, I am in "C" position just off the shoulder of the very deep shortstop. We have a swinging strike three and a dropped pitch. My partner makes no indication and vocalizes NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! The runner sprints to first,the girl a third sprints home as the catcher corrals the ball steps two feet in front of the plate and tags the runner. We have a out call by my partner.At least I think he called a out because he raised his fist in a hammer position. All other runners have moved up so I am still in "C". A new batter comes up to bat and I'm trying to figure out why we still have a runner on first base.
Did I make a mistake with the amount of outs we had? Was my count wrong on the previous batter? I'm just starting to call time when the next batter swings at a pitch driving it foul. I am now calling time and moving towards the plate and the defensive coach is also coming out to the field. I call my partner to the side away from coaches,"Did you have the girl out at home on previous play on dropped strike? Yes was his answer. Did you have a tag at home on the runner advancing? Yes." I gave him a Spock like eyebrow and then said then shouldn't we have three outs???" Yes.

I make the call and then the offensive coach who is winning by 35 runs right now starts to argue with me first saying the runner could run on the dropped strike.No ! Then he argues that we never had a tag at home even though I was even able to see it from a deep "C". I finally get the coaches off the field no help from my partner.

:mad The better team continued to run on every pitch and passed ball and after 2and 1/2 hours we finish with a score of 50-1. My partners strike zone never opened up and my blood pressure never went down.
I'm done ranting for the day. Thank you!!!!