Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Maybe it is the wide range of field the BU has to cover and often such violation is not involved where the play is happening or anticipated, where a play at the plate, the PU is expected to be, well, at the plate with full attention to the runner, ball, defender and plate being in a much smaller viewing window.
I would suppose if the PU was way out of position and not getting the entire view, it would be possible the BU could call OBS, but s/he betting damn well be sure.
I've seen this once, not in my game, but in one we were waiting to finish before taking the field before the next game.
High school game, R1 on 3rd, high deep fly to right near the foul line. PU is watching ball, fair/foul, catch, etc, and is a few steps up the 1BL. R1 had run more than halfway, but was returning as it became more obvious the ball would possibly be caught. F1, not paying enough attention, crashed into the runner - all behind the PU's peripheral vision, but BU saw it, and called it. No one complained he was calling OBS near the plate (kind of) or in PU's pond.