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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 10, 2012, 06:04pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: SE Ohio
Posts: 1,233
Do you not have an NFHS rule book?

If you have access to the website the diagram is there under the softball publications as well.

ART. 2 . . . Mandated field distances are designated as follows:

a. Bases shall be 60 feet apart for games using the 12-inch ball and 65 feet for games using the 11-inch ball.

b. (F.P.) The rear tip of home plate and the front edge of the pitcher's plate shall be 43 feet for female fast pitch softball and 46 feet for male fast pitch softball.

c. (S.P.) The rear tip of home plate and the front edge of the pitcher's plate shall be 46 feet for males or females playing slow pitch softball when using the 12-inch ball, and 50 feet for female slow pitch using the 11-inch ball.

NOTE: By state association adoption in slow pitch, the pitching distance shall be 50 feet when using a 12-inch ball.

d. (F.P.) A circle 16 feet in diameter shall be drawn with its center at the midpoint of the front edge of the pitcher's plate.

Last edited by SNIPERBBB; Tue Apr 10, 2012 at 06:07pm.
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