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Old Tue Apr 10, 2012, 08:47am
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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I saw the play the other night, and it was my view that F2 was trying for the catch, but couldn't reach, and that F5 wasn't playing the ball; instead it looked like she ran to the side of it just to make contact with the GT player out of the dugout.

I know the crew; U3 had a great look, and he is very solid. Thinking he saw what I saw, not just that F5 COULD have made a play. Once F5 stops playing the ball to play for the interference, I have nothing.

OTOH, I think the PU did a great job of shutting up the vocal assistant coach (probably the one that TAUGHT playing the interference) and talking with the head coach, instead.
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