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Old Mon Apr 09, 2012, 11:09pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by kwv001 View Post
This is exactly why I don't work events ike this anymore. About 2 years ago, I worked an AAU tournament that was being run by a local high school varsity coach who has a reputation for being a bit of a jerk. Early in the game he started his antics, and I stuck him. When he wouldn't stop, and my partner wanted no part of a conflict because he was concerned about future high school assignments, I tossed him.

On my way home from the gym that night, I got a phone call from the assignor, saying that although he supported what I had done, the tournament director (the coach I had just pitched) didn't want me back, so he was taking me off the the games I had for the rest of the tournament. I thanked him for doing me a favor, and haven't done any of these games since.
Your assigner needs to not let coaches push him around like that. That said, some assignors might take you off "his" tournament, but would be sure to assign you to his games 4-5 regular season road games the next season. Coaches will get the message and will stay away from these issues after a few times of that happening.

I had a similar incident occur 2 years ago in a summer AAU game. I ended up tossing the coach. It turns out that the coach was a real HS coach from another area of the state (Boys 5A team that had been deep in the playoffs a time or two recently). The coach complained to the tournament director who forwarded it to the tournament assignor and he forwarded it to me. It was claiming I needed to taught the FT violation rules better because I really didn't understand them (I had called his player twice in a row for going in WAY early, including an brief explanation the first time...his player was sticking his foot out and across the adjacent lane space, and he blew up yelling with profanity over it).

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I'm an evaluator at an officials camp that he has a team at. He says a few words to me realizing I'm not the rookie he figure I was.

Fast forward 1.5 years...his team and I end up on the same game on the state quarter finals. He didn't say much to me that night, even in a loss. In his next game in the consolation bracket, he ended up getting T'd (by someone else). And from reports of things he said as heard by neutral parties (officials) in the stands, he deserved a couple more....but the game officials were out of hearing range.
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Last edited by Camron Rust; Mon Apr 09, 2012 at 11:21pm.
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