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Old Mon Apr 09, 2012, 05:03pm
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by bkbjones View Post
The ejection mechanic is not meant to show up a player. I don't give a damn if it's college. The umpire could very well have said "you're gone" very discreetly along with the non-approved-yet-we-all-know-what-it-meant signal. Then go to the coach, say "Hey, #X is gone. That collision was flagrant coach, and she's ejected." No need for excessive whatever. While there is no need for clones/robots, there's no need for Jocko Conlon.
So you not only want to ignore a specific mechanic, but also a POE?

Perhaps if you actually knew what the NCAA Softball Umpire Manual said you wouldn't find it so offensive. But clearly you don't know what it says, so I will fill you in:

"It is imperative when making this signal that no aggressive move or gesture, real or perceived, is made toward the person being ejected. The signal should be MODERATELY ANIMATED after increasing the physical distance between the umpire and the ejected person as needed. The degree of animation is dictated by the situation. This signal does NOT have to be exact, but it must be CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD that someone has been ejected."

"Partners in particular, but also other players and fans, must know when an umpire has ejected someone."
Kill the Clones. Let God sort them out.
No one likes an OOJ (Over-officious jerk).
Realistic officiating does the sport good.
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