Absolute travel at HS and NCAA. It really isn't that close. (NBA, I don't have an opinion, not sure what their rule is and don't care to look it up).
At full speed, it may or may not be "easy" to tell, but it was a travel and it isn't really that hard to tell if you look at it...and video backs it up and shows it wasn't really that close at all. He caught the ball as the right foot came down and the left foot was being lifted, he then stepped forward with the left foot making the right the pivot, then again with the right foot (becoming a travel when it touched).
This gave him a 2+ foot shorter shot and most definitely improved his situation.
For anyone that says it wasn't "much" of a travel, how much is too much? If you can tell he did but it was close, that is no reason to not call it. We're paid to decide if they did or did not travel. We're supposed to interrupt the game when a player infringes on the rules. If they wanted the travel call to allow an extra step, they'd write it that way.