Originally Posted by SWFLguy
Watching the Georgia/Tennessee college game tonight and saw this. Bases loaded for Tenn. and batter hits single that moves all runners. Runner on 3rd may have missed home plate (I did not see if she did but let's assume she did not), but the runner from 2nd did touch it. Runner from 3rd then quickly returns to touch home (thinking she did not touch it). If she had truly missed touching the plate, what could we have called, if anything? Could the runner from 2nd be called out for passing a preceding runner? What say you all?
Pretty sure it is true in all rule sets that once a trailing runner has scored, a runner may not return to touch the missed base.
7.1.4 A base runner may not return to touch a missed base or one left before a fly ball was first touched when: She has left the field of play. A following base runner has scored. She is standing on a base beyond the base she missed or left before a fly ball was first touched, and “Time” has been called by the umpire. The ball becomes dead.
If the base runner is between any two bases and attempting to return to the base missed or left before a fly ball was first touched, she can continue.
That doesn't mean you stop them, you just don't recognize that touch if the defense appeals the missed base.