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Old Wed Apr 09, 2003, 11:47pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Re: What would you have done?

Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by Nevadaref

It was discovered that only about 10 officials scored over 90 and 3 of them had less than 2 years of seniority with the association.
Would these 10 officials been able to cover all post-season games?

And if this is not the case, what would you suggest be done?

Rut, once again you make a good point. I takes about 25 officials to work the local playoffs. Therefore, the commissioner was in trouble. I did not like the solution they used and criticized it, however I failed to give an alternative or state what I would have liked to see done. Not that they would have listened to me, since I was one of those 3 guys with little seniority, but I should have done so.
Since you asked, I would have made the next 15 best scores eligible and gone with those 25.
Since one cannot pull out a rulebook on the court and look up a rule, I don't support allowing officials to use one during a rules knowledge test. I also don't like the T or F format of the NF test, I like the IAABO one that gives a play and the call and asks "Is the official correct?"
I'm for making the test as close to a real game situation as possible.
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