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Old Wed Apr 09, 2003, 09:31pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: Re: Not the issue.

Originally posted by Hawks Coach

You said always. I provided numerous exceptions. That means your overstatement is not true. That was my first point. Thanks for taking so long to admit that there are some quality girls and womens programs that draw as many, or more than, their boys/mens programs.
Who said there was not any girl/women's programs that draw? Are you a teacher? I sure hope you teach them to comprehend things that people say. If I tell you there is one soccer program in the country that has a great following, does that mean that soccer will survive at the professional level in the United States? As I said if Tennessee or UConn has wonderful programs, it is not going to save the Utah franchise or the Dallas franchise or the league for that matter. I guess that is why they started marketing the women as sex objects, because the game is so good.

Originally posted by Hawks Coach

My point was simply that quality programs sell tickets and keep a fan base. Increase the depth and breadth of quality in the women's game, which I am admitting needs to occur, and you can expand the fan base. Keep it where it is, and attendance will remain where it is.
One or two francises are not going to save a league that is not making money across the board. The TV contracts are what drive professional leagues today. If they can bearly have a .3 rating (which is absolutely horrible) on network that caters towards women. And if Stern pulls the plug on the season, because a bunch of players do not understand their place or marketablity, then let it fold. Remember the ABL? That was in successful college markets, I guess that is why they did not make it through their second season.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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