Originally posted by JRutledge
.... I also think in the long run, it hurts both teams. Kids that could get a change to play will get time taken away from them, and the kids need to play more will get that taken away too. So basically the stradegy will be to get the score above a certain level and press to run the score up.
I applaud your concern for the kids, but like I said before, the score can be dictated by who the coaches put on the floor and how well the teams practice.
If the rule is in place, the coaches may still keep the score under the mercy number if they choose.
Can a team come back from "down by 30"? Dunno.
I thought Michigan's rule was right enough, where if more than 40 in the second half then the clock ran until the losing team was within 30.
I guess "down by 30" in the 4th quarter is nearly the same difference.
As far as playing time for the kids goes, again I say practice better, practice harder, practice more often.
Let's put the onus on the coaches and their programs. If they want to prepare properly, we'll work hard for 'em. But if all they are gonna do is go through the motions, it's counter-productive for the emotions.