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Old Wed Apr 09, 2003, 05:39pm
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Holy Cow Cameron! What parts are still good?

Man, I hope it turns out well. Get it fixed now so hopefully you can be ready for next season.

In the right (or I should say absolutely wrong) position, it takes very little energy to cause great damage.

Was it a complete tear of the ACL? There are several different methods for ACL repair - patellar tendon seems to be a common one. I just read about a new repair in a rock climbing magazine. My understanding is that the primary reason these ligaments don't heal themselves is because there is no blood flow. The new repair that I read about was for an ACL tear proximal to the bone rather than at the mid-length of the ligament. The novel solution was to drill several holes in the end of the bone near the tear. These holes caused blood to enter the area of the tear and promote healing. I believe the article said 6 weeks for complete repair.

Best of luck man. Much of medicine still seems to be an art form; pick a successful artist.
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