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Old Wed Apr 09, 2003, 05:24pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Join Date: Aug 1999
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Posts: 12,263

Blew out my knee last Wednesday.

Found out from the MRI results today that I really screwed it up:

Torn ACL
Torn MCL
Torn Meniscus
Femoral Condyle was damaged somehow... the doc kept going but that's about all I heard.
I see an ortopedic surgeon next week to figure out what to do about it and when.

It happened by attempting to put back a contact..noone within several feet of me according to everyone in the gym. They said it looked like my foot slipped on a wet spot as I was pushing off of it to jump causing my knee to rotate then buckle sideways.

Moral of the story...when someone falls, make sure that it gets cleaned up.

Call me gimpy.

[Edited by Camron Rust on Apr 9th, 2003 at 05:26 PM]
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