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Old Wed Apr 09, 2003, 04:51pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2000
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Some things never change

I grant you a point, and you have to go off the deep end. If your statement was true, then Churchill HS boys would sell out every game and the girls games would be played in front of an empty gym. But the boys sometimes draw less than the girls because the girls won the state championsip and the boys won 3 games. IN YOUR AREA, you may have this issue of girls ball always being substandard to boys (or IN YOUR OWN MIND, you may just have this perception). It is not an issue here, and that is why attendance is good for the girls games, and better for winning girls team than for losing boys teams. Fans back a winner, and come back again and again because the games are great.

Ask Tennessee or U-Conn fans if the men are superior in their locale. The women rule there. They don't just sell tickets at these schools for NCAA tournament games. Tennessee and U-Conn averaged over 13,000 fans per regular season home game - including cupcakes. That outdraws 3 NBA teams with their higher caliber men's ball. They either have an exceptional number of seriously impaired individuals in Tennessee and Connecticut, or the fans follow the quality.
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