Thread: mercy rule
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Old Wed Apr 09, 2003, 04:36pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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I'm not mad, but I strongly disagree with you. My experience is that boys have much bigger egos, are much more concerned with winning, and really don't take well to getting stomped. Most of them look like they want to break something when they lose bad, and they tend to squabble with each other when things go south. Never heard as much B****ing as when my boys teams got whipped. Nt to mention water bottles getting flung in anger, benches getting kicked, etc.

Girls vary in their response, but seem to take it better. They have more of a team centered attitude, and forget wins and losses much more easily than boys, and just have fun playing the game with each other. And the girls need to be able to handle the blowouts, because I see many more mismatches in girls than I saw in boys.

(these are all generalizations of course - there are clearly boys and girls that vary from this generalization)
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