Originally Posted by SAump
Both Fed and OBR.
Legal appeals can be made after the third out has been made that supersede the third out. In the OP, the defense claims that if the appeal is made at 1st base, the run does not score. Is it valid though?
How many runs haves scored in 59,000+ MLB games and over a million FED games when a batter failed to reach first base? My estimate is zero. Compare that to the number of runs that count as a result of scoring before a successful tagout is applied. I would say the defense has a valid argument.
Usually, BR reaches base successfully before he is tagged out trying to extend his progress while a play is being made on someone else. Not here in our OP. Usually the BR is thrown out at 1B before a runner is tagged on the baseline. Not here in our post. Neither happened in this OP. I can understand why the defense would appeal. Why am I bailing out a runner who failed to reach his base prior to being put out at first base, albeit, after the 3rd out?
Find a rule that allows for an appeal because a runner didn't reach a base, live or dead, 0, 1, 2, or 3 out.