Here's an announcer statement which should mean a lot to you folks...
'Every time we watch a replay, the officials look better and better.'
This was said during the women's final while the officials were trying to determine if a wild and crazy three-pointer was actually a three and not a two. The officials on the court were Wesley Dean, Lisa Mattingly and Melissa Barlow.
And did you notice that there was practically no heckling from the fans? Sure, the coaches were going ballistic from time to time, but then that's to be expected. Are we fans starting to grow up a little, or have these three people been so consistently great that we have finally recognized them? I hope so.
When I go to a game I'm watching it as a fan, and I only look at the officials if I hear a whistle when I'm not expecting to hear one. Then I'm watching the signals. But when I go home and watch the game tape later, I'm not into the game emotionally as I was when I was in the arena. I already know the outcome of the game, so I can watch it with a more 'rational' attitude. I have never played basketball, so most of what I have learned about the game I have learned from watching the officiating on these tapes. Sometimes I watch a play over and over again before I can really see what happened. And once I finally 'see' the play, I ask myself 'What's the rule?' If I don't know the rule I look it up. The next question is: 'What was the call/no call?' So far, the score is: Officials - 100%, Me - 0.00%. So, I am constantly amazed at how someone can see the action in a fraction of a second...with arms, elbows flinging all over the place and the ball flying God knows where...and make the correct ruling.
So, to all officials have my utmost respect.
And as for Lisa Mattingly, Wesley Dean and Melissa Barlow, well...surely they must have been born with whistles in their mouths. They are truly awesome. I would really love to meet them (and several others) just to shake their hands and thank them for all that they have given to the game, but it'll probably never happen. As soon as they validate the score, they sprint out of the arena (and who can blame them?!).
So if any of you know them personally, please let them know that at least one fan appreciates them.