Originally Posted by twocentsworth
OF COURSE I'd like to work that game (as would many other officials in this forum) - who wouldn't?.....if you don't want to work that game then there is something wrong with you.
I wouldn't call it envy....that would denote a negative jealousy...which is not accurate. I'd call it "assignment aspiration".
Of course I realize that the groupthink mentality has me as a "fan boy" and won't change your mentality, so....lah me!
Originally Posted by twocentsworth
maybe I also secretly enjoy watching the "supposedly-best officials" (aka long-time veterans) who get to work ALL the games (based more on reputation than merit) make obvious mistakes.
Assignment envy..... (see -- "who get to work ALL the games")
Keep dreaming, because your lack of rules knowledge exhibited here and your fan-boy attitude will keep you right where you are.