Sun Mar 11, 2012, 07:56pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,842
Originally Posted by BillyMac
Because I enjoy them. If I drop it, then I won't be able to enjoy them.
You got the "really" part right. I know for a fact that a very, very, small number of Forum members do enjoy my posts.
Basketball has always been fun for me. Playing basketball was fun. Coaching basketball used to be fun. Officiating basketball is fun. Posting on a basketball officiating forum is fun. Mostly serious, but still, officiating is a little fun. When officials here in my little corner of Connecticut get together, we have a lot of fun, with, or without, adult beverages.
I won't say to get a sense of humor because different people have a different sense of humor, some people are just a little more serious than others, and some people are just a little sillier than others. There are seven billion of us on this planet, and there's room for a lot of different types of people. Since we're all stuck here, and none of us will leave this planet alive, then we might as well tolerate each other, and try to get along as best as we can.
Well said William.