Thread: Worst?
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Old Thu Mar 08, 2012, 07:19pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
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Question Worst?

Was talking with a ref buddy on the phone about some rec assignments and he told me he had a game two weeks ago in which a player got upset with a teammate and threw the ball at his face, knocking him over and causing a nosebleed. He said that was probably the worst incident he's ever had in a game and asked me what mine was.

I guess it was something that happened about four years ago in our local kids rec league. 6B game and a coach (who, like all the rest, is a volunteer) got so upset with one of his players for not listening to him in a huddle, slapped the kid across the face! His "defense" was that it was his kid. The Board didn't care whether it was his kid or not and the guy was suspended from coaching with us for life.

I also witnessed a parking lot fight after a game by two opposing parents in which one of them actually hit the other over the head with a baseball bat he got out of his car. And yes, the police were called and he was prosecuted.

You guys want to share?
Yom HaShoah
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