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Old Tue Mar 06, 2012, 10:37pm
Raymond Raymond is online now
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by JetMetFan View Post
I e-mailed the reporter who wrote the article for the Des Moines Register. Here's what he had to say:

"Lots of speculation about who knew what and when. But my understanding is this from talking to the coach and officials: I believe the team bench was informed of the player's fifth foul. There were two Sioux Center players checking in at the scorer's bench, one of them with the express purpose of replacing the fouled out player.

The players checked in and two players came out, but the disqualified player was not one of them.

For the record, the Sioux Center coach never suggested to me that the game officials or bench officials were at fault.

Hope that clears things up. I think it was just a lot going on for the kids/coaches at the end of an exciting, close tournament game."
OK, now this version would make some sense. But now the question, whose responsibility is it to ensure the DQ'd player leaves the court if the coach provides a sub?

Per 10-5 I say it lies with the coach:

ART. 3

The head coach shall not permit a team member to participate after being removed from the game for disqualification.

Since the player becomes bench personnel after the HC is notified the HC is at fault for allowing a team member to participate. But it's still a situation where the officials need to be diligent in ensuring it doesn't happen.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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