Thread: State Tourney
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Old Mon Mar 05, 2012, 10:53am
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
To me, there are just some mistakes you shouldn't be making at this time of the year. And not properly giving 2 free throws on an Intentional Foul is definitely one of them. There is just no way that all 3 members of a post-season crew can have the same brain fart.
That's what bugs me, too. I can understand mistakes, errors in judgment, missed calls, etc. I can understand fixing an error that isn't correctable. I can understand waving off a shooting foul. I can even understand the violation called on the jump ball when the jumper catches it after it bounces.

I have a harder time when basic rules are screwed up. Assigning a six-player T to the coach. Calling a travel on a caught air ball. Not giving the right number of FTs.
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