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Old Mon Mar 05, 2012, 01:27am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by twocentsworth View Post
u actually believe that the contact "did little to make him fall"?...really?

how often do you see an offensive player "flop" by falling to the floor and loose possession of the ball in a tied game w/ 2:16 left all in an effort to "dupe" an official into making a call?

i would bet that Mike Roberts (the C on this play) would LOVE to have a "do over" on this play....if not him, then DEFINITELY Big East Supervisor Art Hyland would....
I have seen several plays where players fall trying to get around defenders. It happens quite a lot in the game of basketball. I did not say anything about flopping, but I see players out of control and fall. Again, I have no idea what basketball you see, but I see a lot of that happening and the defenders do not even have to move to accomplish that very result. And who cares about what the Big East Assignor said because we are not talking about his opinions or previous comments. You do not hear me talking about Dale Kelly or Faulkner do you?

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