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Old Sun Apr 06, 2003, 08:51pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by Woodee
I thought it was a NO call. A1 had already jumped and B1 was under the basket. If any call was to be made it should of been a BLOCK. I guess its One of those had to be theres.

Who is that Ref? I noticed he is always close to the action. He really gets close to the players.
This philosophy that Woodee is espousing is the cause of the problem. Since many officials, not just Woodee (I'm not picking on him personally), hold this view and are calling the game in this manner, coaches and fans are starting to expect this PC foul to not be called.
My feelings on this are:
This is not the NBA, there is not a semi-circle on the floor, so follow the rules and call this a PC foul. If there is such a strong dislike of this call being made, then they will eventually change the rule, but until they do we should follow it.
Remember the NBA is a show. They are trying to make money. Therefore, they want the game to be as exciting as possible for fans to watch. They want more scoring and more dunks. That is what sells tickets. If that means giving the offensive player an edge when he is attacking the basket by taking away legal guarding position from the defense in that area, they are going to do it. But in NCAA men and NFHS it is still legal to play defense there.
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