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Old Wed Feb 29, 2012, 07:38am
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by KJUmp View Post
Because in any game, anywhere at anytime, over anything, a coach is capable of doing something like that.....or worse.

You took Sapper to task as to the way he responded ....("I would expect an NCAA umpire to know better.").
I'll ask again, same sitch, NCAA game coach comes to you after he received an explanation of the call by the PU and asks you for your opinion. He's calm, professional and respectful in asking the would you handle it?
I would first be disappointed in my plate umpire allowing the coach to come out and forum shop.

If the coach did come out, I would say something along the lines of, "Coach, I believe you just discussed this issue with the plate umpire. It really isn't proper to now come out and speak to me about an issue my partner has already addressed. It makes it appear that you are forum shopping and that's not good for the game. If you'd like for me to discuss the play with my partner, I will do that outside your presence and then we can provide you with a final ruling."

But again, what good does it do for the plate umpire to talk to the only and then "allow" the coach to go out and talk to your partner? If the plate umpire says, "No 'x' didn't happen" and the coach doesn't like it and talks to the base umpire who now says, "Yes 'x' did happen." What do you do? Maybe you need to work in a 3-umpire crew, that way you can get a third opinion to break the tie if necessary.
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