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Old Tue Feb 28, 2012, 11:21pm
timeout timeout is offline
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
Umpire, coach or parent?

Probably doesn't matter in this particular case, but you should include the ruleset you're playing under, as it does matter sometimes.

We don't have enough information yet. 1 is not always nothing. 2 is not always something. Can you describe the play in more detail? Was the throw immediate or was there some delay, what was the batter doing, exactly. This sitch is HTBT, but some description on your part might allow us to visualize and at least tell you what the umpire was (or should have been) looking for.
NFHS rules.
I was thought, in general, on this type of situation, if the batter stays in the batter's box, and does not intentionally interfer with the catcher's throw, it's nothing, live ball-play on.
However, if she steps out of the box, where she doesn't belong, and gets hit with the catcher's pick-off throw, batter's interference could be called. If batter's interference is called, would the batter be out? Or would the runner on third be called out?
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