Originally posted by ronald
Info on the USC.
Two weeks ago I asked the instructors (GWASA)about this play and all were unaware of it including Chick Montrose who said that this was incorrect even dismissing my point that Mike had gotten it from Bob.
Anyways, a litte later I found the casebook reference and showed it to one of the instructors who showed it to Chick. Last Thursday, Chick tells me he has had some interesting emails with Bob Savoie (Mike's reference to his UIC) over this play and yes we are to call it like it is in the book. It appears that this is one that came from Henry at a late hour (hearsay). Along the same lines, Henry did not want to let in an exception on catcher obstruction followed by interference play we went over on another thread fearing that it would open other exceptions.
Now you got me second-guessing everything  When you said "call it like it is in the book", is the reference to the case book or rule book?
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.