Originally posted by Ron Pilo
Since it was B that slapped the ball OB I would determine that at the time of the slap the ball was at the disposal of team B and start my 5 second count. I bet B1 wouldn't do that again. 
What do you all think.....
My buddy to the North, Ron, is exactly right. Here's why. If B1 slaps the ball after a goal by A, B1 has chosen to slap instead of taking the ball OOB. In my opinion, he has refused to start the inbounding, the same as if he stepped OOB without the ball and chose not to pick it up. The ball is at his disposal when he makes that choice. Start the five second count when he slaps and go from there.
In other words, he really hasn't "delayed" the game, he only chose the method by which you determine when to start your count.
In fact, starting a five count under these circumstances is standard operating procedure in my association.