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Old Sun Feb 26, 2012, 11:23am
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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Running lane vs base path

I've been reading the discussions on the running lane violations in another thread.

If we turn the corner on that discussion and have a runner returning to first base, when can we have interference?

Sample scenario:

ASA fast, modified, or slow pitch with a runner on 1B and less than 2 outs. Batter hits a looper up the middle. R1 doesn't know if F6 will make a catch or not and is caught in "no-man's land". F6 does indeed make a catch and is now in alignment with second and first base. F6 may attempt a throw to F3 to double up R1. R1, having now seen a catch tries to return to 1st base. While returning, with back to F6, R1 puts their hands on their head to avoid getting bonked.

If R1 is hit by F6's throw, do we have interference? Assume for sake of argument that R1 returned directly to 1st base from the point where they saw the catch. Also assume there was no arm flailing, just an attempt by the runner to avoid getting hit in the head. When R1 returned to first base, s/he does not know if F6 actually made a throw or not.

Secondary consideration: since all players are in alignment, F6, R1, and F3, F3's position while receiving the ball cannot hinder R1.

Thanx for any discussion.
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