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Old Sun Feb 26, 2012, 10:19am
Duffman Duffman is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 136
Last game of the season two years ago. It's 1A GV. Team A is 0-18, team B is 1-17 (guess where the 1 came from). The basketball is just awful, and to make matters worse we are working it two man because my partner seriously rolled his ankle in the JV game and couldn't officiate.

There is a group of 8-10 home fans positioned op bench at the mid court stripe one of which has decided he's going to be our 3rd official and call the game with us. He's calling out every foul and violation. He's not belligerent, just really helpful. He's also doing that thing where he's critiquing our officiating to other fans when we have dead balls near where he is sitting.

The end of 1st half ends with a buzzer beater attempt by the home team that I correctly waived off. Coming out for the 2nd half I know we are going to hear it. We walk over to our spot and I gave him the "whew" face and said "that last shot was close". He said "ohhh I didn't see it". I said "I'm surprised, you've seen everything else tonight".

Everyone's face (including my partner) just goes blank for a second, then all his friends bust out laughing. His wife tells me he won't shut up at home either.

Didn't hear a peep the rest of the night.
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