Originally Posted by rwest
PLAY 8.10-5
A team using a DP has the DP batting fourth and the FLEX pitching. The DP gets a hit and is on 2B. The coach asks for time, reports CR1 and sends them to 2B.
RULING: Illegal. Since the DP is not catching or pitching no courtesy runner is allowed. CR1 is disqualified and replaced by a legal substitute or the re-entry rule used. (8-10E)
Not exactly on point, but it illustrates the purpose of the Courtesy Runner. It is for the Pitcher and Catcher ONLY. The DP wasn't playing Pitcher or Catcher in this example. Only F1 and F2 can have a Courtesy Runner and then only if they bat for themselves.
Which goes to the point. The FLEX is F1. The FLEX (since it wasn't stated otherwise) was the pitcher of record at that time. The rule states that F1/F2 may have a CR at any time.
I'm not disagreeing with the ruling, but maybe the rule itself needs to be updated to accommodate this issue.
Also like to note (
), the umpire should not allow the CR, therefore the CR wasn't in the game to be DQ'd. At least, not if the umpire was properly maintaining the line-up card.