FWIW, NCAA rules do not include the equivalent of 4-23-4 and 4-23-5, so there is
no real distinction between guarding dribblers and airborne players, and a defender can legally move laterally or obliquely after LGP was established. This follows everyone's impression that it should also apply here. But since the
rules are written differently, we cannot automatically assume the same principles apply.
I've been reading but not responding the last few days trying to make the room stop spinning. I guess the horse is still kicking! The glue factory will have to wait.
You hit the nail on the head. I think this IS where the two sides have been divided.

You and your supporters are reading the movement by B in regards to an airborne shooter is NOT legal PERIOD!
The others, which I agree with, say that the wording of moving pertains to B moving into a spot like an undercutting.
The NCAA wording you mentioned is more along the lines that I have been thinking.
i.e. how could they be allowing an airborne shooter to "fly into" a player backing up and yet not allow a dribbler (or any player for that matter) run over, into or through a defender who is moving backwards?
I've sent an email to IAABO to see if Mr Webb, etal can shed some light on this. I thought about calling board's interpreter, but I didn't think that would carrier enough weight since we are talking about the written words in the rules book.