Fri Feb 24, 2012, 11:55am
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
To further beat this horse:
What if:
What if A1, with the ball, is following B1, who is running towards A's basket. Same path. A1 takes off from the FT line, and before B1 even knows what's going on, A1 crashes through B1, who is still running towards the basket. Are you calling B1 for the block?
See below:
Originally Posted by M&M Guy
FWIW, NCAA rules do not include the equivalent of 4-23-4 and 4-23-5, so there is no real distinction between guarding dribblers and airborne players, and a defender can legally move laterally or obliquely after LGP was established. This follows everyone's impression that it should also apply here. But since the rules are written differently, we cannot automatically assume the same principles apply.
Ok, now I'm done. Until something more concrete becomes available.
M&M's - The Official Candy of the Department of Redundancy Department.
(Used with permission.)