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Old Wed Feb 22, 2012, 11:18pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Here's where I am at on the initial post. Yes, in NFHS and NCAA rules, that is an appeal; the purpose of the dead ball appeal is to eliminate the hocus-pocus associated with baseball appeals, and establish a basic process where, if we grasp what the coach or player is asking, and it provides the necessary information (which runner, which base), we rule on it. But, until the runner has exhausted any opportunity to legally retouch (meaning, steps into dead ball territory), my response to the coach would be "I cannot legally accept an appeal at this moment".

In ASA, my response would be "Coaches cannot make an appeal on a missed base". By the time they figured that out and had an infielder make the appeal, I suspect the runner would have either remedied, or entered dead ball territory.
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