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Old Sun Feb 19, 2012, 07:31pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by Pumpy25 View Post
As a spectator I understand to an extent what he did, but I don't know what they said either. I think it shows thin skin. Players/coaches get heckled all the time, why are officials above this and untouchable? Just looking from another view point, coaches and players have to answer for their mistakes, why not officials? Not saying he did bad during the game because I didn't watch it. I've always wanted to see officials be open to the media, not about specific calls, but for questioning and comments. People would get more insight on what the thought process is behind certain things.
This just shows a lot of ignorance on your part. Players/coaches a lot of times address issues with officials about things fans do. I have even had game management ask me and my partners to watch out for certain behavior of student sections and to tell them if they are going over the top. Actually they expect us to address it or to monitor certain actions and comments. So you have no idea what you are talking about really if you think these things are not addressed at many levels. My state during the playoffs has a required statement that must be read before every contest about fan behavior and many conferences do the same during the regular season. And if there is a problem with fans we as officials are instructed to remove problems from the stands. It is not like he went up into the stands and got rid of the guys, he has security and the police to address this issue.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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