Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Must every thread include a lame joke from you?
No. Not every thread. Just when I see an inviting straight line.
BktBallRef: How did your read my post? I figured, for sure, that I was on your ignore list.
Although I take basketball officiating very seriously, it's still a game, a game that I've been, in one way, or another, participating in for over forty-five years. Basketball is supposed to be fun. Officiating is both very serious, and fun, for me. Posting on the Forum is both serious, and fun, for me. Too bad that you can't read this paragraph, because if you hadn't already put me on your ignore list, then you certainly did after I reminded you in my first paragraph.
I do occasionally ask a good question, or offer a good answer, in some threads. And I challenge you, or anyone else on this Forum, to find a single post authored by me in which I have offended anyone, insulted anyone, or called anyone a name. I respect all Forum members, look up to some as them, including BktBallRef, as officiating rule, and role, models, try to make serious contributions to the Forum, and at the same time, try to have some "silly" fun.
If that's wrong, then I don't want to be right.