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Old Fri Feb 17, 2012, 09:22am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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1) Approximately the same:

Art. 2.

Elbow, hand, finger, wrist or forearm guards, casts or braces made of fiberglass, plaster, metal or any other non-pliable substance, shall be prohibited.cached
Art. 3.

The prohibition of the use of hard substance material does not apply to the upper arm, shoulder or leg when the material is padded so as not to create a hazard for other players.
Art. 4.

Pliable (flexible or easily bent) material, covered on all exterior sides and edges with no less than 1/2-inch thickness of a slow-rebounding foam, may be used to immobilize and protect an injury.
Art. 5.

Equipment that could cut or cause an injury to another player shall be prohibited, without respect to whether the equipment is hard. Excessively long fingernails shall be prohibited

2) NCAAM -- opposing coach chooses from the 4 other players on the floor. NCAAW -- same as FED.
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