We have TWO seperate associations in my area of the state. (WA) Seperate assignors for each group.
I was told when I was a Rookie, 23 years ago, to "just do the boys side, the girls side will slow your progression as a Boys Varsity official."
This was from the number one rated guy in the boys' association, at that time.
I followed his advice...and it has worked out pretty well. I have never done a H.S. girls game...and only a couple AAU girls games in my entire career.
We have some great officials that do both...but for some reason, the top girls' officials are not rated, by some, as well on the boys' side.
I rate the top girls'/boys' officials with top scores (i.e. 5's...state qualified) but, I know some of the boys' only officials do not rate the girls/boys officials the same.
It is what it is.