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Old Wed Feb 15, 2012, 02:45pm
Toren Toren is offline
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Originally Posted by tpholt View Post
Two separate situations occurred at a game I was at last night and I was wondering whether their is a basis for the officials actions in the rules (I would hope so, but in an admittedly brief look-through of the rules this morning, I couldn't find any)....

I was sitting directly behind the scorers table and so heard the officials and coaches conversations clearly.

1. Prior to the game, the teams are warming up at their respective ends of the court. One team leaves the court to return to the locker room. The other team then runs several "laps" of full court warmups. Officials Actions: Warned the head coach that this was against the rules and that it needed to stop immediately or a technical foul would be assessed. Is this accurate?

2. Throw in situation along the baseline in a situation where the player is not allowed to run the baseline. Player A1 is given the ball by the official and makes a legal inbounds pass, but remains standing out of bounds for several seconds after the pass. When A1 finally moves to obtain inbounds status, the official calls a violation and possession is given to team B. Officials response to Head Coach of Team A was "He didn't make a move soon enough and just stood there". Is there anywhere in the rules that stipulates that the throw-in player must make an immediate effort to return inbounds or that there is a time limit?

Thanks for the help.

First one can be considered unsporting and can be deemed a technical.

Second one is also correct. No time parameters are given, but if a player is not making an effort to enter the playing court has committed this violation. Generally you will only see this call if he delays his entrance because he has to wait for a screener or something like that. If he just spaced out and wasn't part of the play, this generally doesn't get called.

Sorry correct the penalty as a technical in the second case. If the delay was deceitful.
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