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Old Wed Apr 02, 2003, 09:10am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Anyway, yesterday Skip Bayless was filling in for Rome and said that Sosa is "the biggest phoney in baseball".
I don't know if this is what he meant, but someone in one of the Chicago papers had (something like) this prediction for the season:

Sosa hits 55 homers. 50 are with no one on base or with the Cubs behind by 8 runs in the 8th inning.

IOW, he doesn't get the big hit.

There are also rumors about his presence in the clubhouse causing some unrest -- he likes to play his loud, Latin music and doesn't (seem to) care how that affects his teammates.

Plus, it was "big news" that he showed up on-tiome for spring training this year -- he typically reports at the very last minute.