Thread: fess up
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Old Mon Feb 13, 2012, 12:07pm
ref3808 ref3808 is offline
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Originally Posted by jTheUmp View Post
For me, it was last Friday, hands-down.

Situation: boys 10th-grade/JV doubleheader, between two of the best programs in the Twin Cities.

The ominous signs first appear on Tuesday, when I email my partner to confirm the details of the game time and location. I receive a one-sentence response: "I show up dressed and on the court, so don't look for me in the dressing room"


Partner shows up about 9 minutes before tipoff, leaving us virtually no time to do a pregame.

Double Gulp.

The first game is very fast-paced and physical... the second game is a step above the first game in both respects... both games were faster then I'm used to, and I was having a very hard time making calls because of the speed and athleticism of the players. I never could get into a good rhythm the entire night, and it seemed to be painfully obvious to everyone in the gym that my partner and I were outclassed. I lost count of the number of instances where there was foul-level contact that I "passed" on because I couldn't get the whistle blown or couldn't figure out what to call. (and before you say "not all contact is a foul"... this contact was definitely a foul... I just kicked it... more times then I can remember.)

I was never so happy to be done with a doubleheader as I was that night.

Luckily, I got to get back to the gym on Saturday with another boys 10/JV doubleheader. The games was just as quick and athletic, but I was able to keep it in control, and my partner was MUCH MUCH better.

I just wish I could figure out what I could've done differently on Friday.
IMO, anyone who consistently shows up that soon before a tip disrespects the game of basketball, the teams about to play and their partner. They make us all look bad. These are the folks that should find another avocation.
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