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Old Mon Feb 13, 2012, 10:46am
Ref_in_Alberta Ref_in_Alberta is offline
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Originally Posted by ranjo View Post
I have seen a lot of b-ball in the last 15-20 years, but while watching a game last night, I got to see something different.

Boys JV - The game winner has been determined earlier in the quarter and the subs from both teams are playing their hearts out. Last shot of the game; Ball goes up, rolls around the rim, rolls onto the flange, horn goes off, and the ball comes to rest on the flange.

It was a crowd pleaser for sure and everyone leaves the gym with a smile.

It's the first time I have ever seen it and I was wondering how often it really happens - How many of you have actually seen it happen?
I've seen it twice in same school, same gym, same basket. Both times on FTA's. Couple of seasons apart.


Once at a JUCO women's game on a layup attempt. This season.

must be the air up here.
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