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Old Sun Feb 12, 2012, 03:16pm
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
I voted to keep the timeouts exactly as they are. While I can't stand coaches who meekly request a timeout and then get upset when we may have something better going on, allowing only the players to request during a live ball would be even worse, IMO. I lived through that reality for a number of years before moving to what we have now.

I would like to see the free throw restrictions end for all in the marked lane spaces at the release. Most rebounding now is based on which way the ball bounces out rather than on getting proper position and boxing out. And players have been pushing the envelope to see how much they can get away with since the change. I work about a dozen college games a season, and I see no problems with how those games go -- if someone fouls during a rebound or trying to get position, CALL THE FOUL.

I'd like to see halves rather than quarters (I'd even move to 18 minute halves like MN and give an automatic timeout at the first stoppage under 10 per half) and would like to see the NFHS move to a shot clock (with the 5 year grandfathering provision).

My vote, I'm sure, will be completely ignored.
I voted the exact same way except for quarters vs. halves.
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Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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