Sun Feb 12, 2012, 12:15am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 115
I've often wondered...
Originally Posted by JugglingReferee
About 15 years ago, I'm in a referee charitable golf tournament. The group behind me had an up-and-comer with 3 veteran colleagues. It was quite windy that day.
On one hole, either 15 or 16, it's an uphill hole, where you can't see if the next group is done putting. And the wind was behind the golfers on this hole.
I was the last putter, and the up-and-comer drove a bullet shot up the hill. They thought he barely made it up the hill. And he did. Buuuut, I snuck down and "advanced" his ball to be within a 10 foot putt. He made the putt, and ended up with an eagle on the hole. He was all the talk at the steak dinner, and I kept my mouth shut. lol
...if there are people who do things like this.