Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
A good friend just finished The Umpire School and was asked to attend PBUC. He told me the stats from his and the other schools the morning he finished and I was floored. 14 of the 30 students were asked to PBUC Eval! I may be mistaken but I believe that PBUC Eval takes 36 candidates. If so, Wendlestedt sent 14 (from 120) and JEA would have just 8. Any one else here these numbers?
You and/or your friend are mistaken. Evans will also send 14. Percentages has nothing to do with it. Each school was asked for 14 regardless of size of class or past success in training. PBUC has always asked for the same number from each school. They have been careful to not show favoritism, evn though more Evans grads move on to a contract that Wendelstedt....at least in the past 12 or 13 years.
Check out which school the last five umpires promoted to MLB attended. Check out how many current MiLB umpires attended which school.