Originally Posted by okla21fan
Because each play is different and each ballpark is different, stating that a procedure should be required (or even recommended) to be followed when it comes to detached equipment is a good idea how now?
Not to mention the fact that the umpire doesn't own or operate the field, game or equipment.
It the bat being in a certain place is a problem, maybe that should be addressed to the individual who placed it there. There is no rule requiring the batter to leave the bat in the area. For that matter, they can take it with them. If the teams have a problem with discarded equipment, they control that situation, not the umpire.
I guess if a catcher breaks a leg stepping into a hole dug by the batter, it is the umpire's fault because s/he did not fill it in before the catcher stepped up
The entire argument is a joke, but then again.......